Monday, March 2, 2009

Dinner Time

Bentley will be 2 years old next month. He has been wanting to help do more things. I have begun to have him help me make dinners-most the time it is more work-but we both love this special time together.
He is the best taste-tester I've ever had! Someone is hungry for dinner! He stirs the salad while I put in the ingredients. He makes me smile and laugh everyday! What a Blessing he is to our family!


Jas and Berg said...

I love the taster-tester shot! Cheese is the best! He is so cute and I'm so glad you are taking pictures of him and sharing them! Thanks a bunch, we miss you all!

Stephanie & Andrew Hansen said...

Looks like you are about to have some toes with your cheese! haha! How fun! David loves to be up on the counter too. I just checked out your bags! I can totally see why you haven't blogged for so long. I was wondering where you've been!!! Great job on your bags. I love looking at all the fun things you make! So CUTE!

Lexie, Jacob, &, Dominic Bradshaw said...

He is so cute! I love that he wants to make dinner with you it sounds like a lot of fun. I just wanted to leave a note and say hey and i was wondering if you guys know what you are having? is number two a girl or boy?
love ya, lexie