Thursday, March 25, 2010

GREAT NEWS! Yesterday my mom & dad went to Seattle to meet with her Doctor---which always makes for a worried week....she got another brain scan-and her results were that all of the tumors are STILL SHRINKING! We are very thankful for these fabulous results. We are seeing blessings and miracles in our lives daily and we know it is from the Lord!
I just wanted to add some fun pictures. Bentley's new favorite thing is bath-time with Kennedy. Bentley has been in a rut of not wanting to take a bath daily-however, when I say kennedy is getting in the tub I hear, "Oh mom can I get in with MY SWEETS Please!" I love my children!
Kennedy is ready for church and waiting for the rest of us. She is so much fun. I have read that children often take after the way their mother's carry them. For example, a woman who enjoys pregnancy-and is pretty easy going, and happy will have easier going-and pleasant babies-and those who are a little less tolerable will have such babies. This has been true for me---I just decide to enjoy pregnancy and the beautiful stage it is-to be in, and both of my children were/are delightful babies! Plus me being pleasant resulted in my husband thinking we should have 8 children-gotta love him!

1 comment:

Jas and Berg said...

oh my word! how cute she is! Way to post! I am trying to be better, but it's fun to see yours! We need to catch up soon! love you!