Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The pregnant woman!

I have been teaching at Gold's Gym for over a year now. I love to teach for many reasons: I can motivate and push people to improve themselves, I can make others happy and feel better about themselves, I am going to work out so I might as well get paid for it, plus I have made some wonderful friendships there! I have continued to teach while pregnant----and I feel great! It makes a huge difference physically, emotionally and mentally!

I had to get a couple of shots with my belly!

I enjoy being pregnant. I know it can always be worse. I am on the back is hurting-but I am happy and healthy! I am currently dilated to almost a 3 and 50% effaced so in a week or two we will welcome our sweet baby girl! How excited and tired we are already!


Broin's said...

Monique! You are such an inspiration. If an 8 month pregnany woman can work out so can a not pregnant woman! You look great!

emily Stoddard said...

You are amazing! You look awesome! I can't believe how fast your pregnancy went! It seems like I just found out you were having baby #2!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Love you!

The Potter Family said...

You rock Mo! I miss you and hope to see you soon!

Jessie's Jargon said...

Wow! What a woman! I wish you were around here to motivate me. You would be such a great teacher. Good luck with the upcoming little one.

Jenn said...

WOOOWWW!!!! You are so inspiring... and you ARE so good at pumping people up.Notice I don't bring that part up when we talk, because I know you will make me kick my butt into gear!